by 槟城白衣堂 & 亞洲音樂劇製作
《遇⾒觀⾳》⾳樂劇將於2022年12月在檳城盛⼤公演。由檳城⽩⾐堂主辦,亞洲⾳樂劇製作呈獻,《遇⾒觀⾳》⾳樂劇透過四個故事:「妙善公主」、「⿂藍觀⾳」、「⽔⽉觀⾳」、及「不肯去菩薩」,體現觀世⾳菩薩⼤慈⼤悲、救苦救難的偉⼤精神。加上動⼈⼼弦的歌舞及現代唯美影像光影效果,深深撼動觀眾。亞洲⾳樂劇製作在過去的⼆⼗多年曾製作多部膾炙⼈⼝、深獲好評的⾳樂劇,包括: 《釋迦牟尼佛傳》、《天⼼⽉圓》、《雪域上的光芒:⽂成公主》、《藥師如來》等等。這⼀次,何靈慧導演帶領她的精英團隊再⼀次為⼤家呈現⼀場視覺、聽覺及⼼靈饗宴。讓我們於12⽉17⽇及18⽇在檳城《遇⾒觀⾳》!殊勝因緣,萬勿錯過!
The Story of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is a musical theatre in Mandarin consisting of 4 stories/legends about the Goddess of Mercy, also known as Guan Yin, who is widely known as a figure and representation of peace, compassion, and benevolence. Presented through inspiring music, powerful vocals, and beautifully choreographed dance pieces, the production aims to take audiences through a journey of peace and compassion. Produced by Asia Musical Productions, the creative team and cast comprise some of the best talents in the Malaysia music and arts scene, the company has performed many award-winning and highly acclaimed musicals, including Siddhartha, Above Full Moon, Princess Wen Cheng, Medicine Buddha, etc. The Story of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is a musical extravaganza not to be missed.
第一场:2022年12月17日 晚上8點 (星期六)
第二场:2022年12月18日 下午2點 (星期日)
Session 1: December 17, 2022 08:00 PM (Saturday)
Session 2: December 18, 2022 02:00 PM (Sunday)
Jalan Tun Dr Awang, Bayan Baru, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang