槟城庙会 Penang CNY Celebration 2023

by Penang Chinese Clan Council, Penang Cultural Inheritors Society

George TownEventFestival



> 【2023 癸卯年 槟城庙会】成功圆满谢幕。非常感谢全体台前幕后的志工,各尽其职把最精彩的槟城庙会呈现给民众。槟州政府的鼎力支持,各商界的慷慨赞助,媒体给力宣传,给于志工们一股继续传承槟城庙会的正能量。 > #### — Penang Cultural Inheritors Society 传承者
#### *Video by 潘宇恒 FB · IG* ---


节目流程表 Timetable

主办与策划 · Organizers

庙会大蓝图 · Stage Layout

![](https://ucarecdn.com/34e5c8ab-fbbd-4e16-8b90-fb0378c9eff2/-/preview/-/quality/smart/-/format/auto/) ![](https://ucarecdn.com/80bc72d7-8b93-4e5e-9dd9-7bc2da8dbfb2/-/preview/-/quality/smart/-/format/auto/) | | 舞台 Stage | 活动区 Activity | |-----|---------------------|---------------------------------------| | S1 | 舞台一 (Stage 1) | 2023 槟城庙会 - 人和台 Stage of Renhe | | S2 | 舞台二 (Stage 2) | 街头表演区 Street Performance | | S3 | 舞台三 (Stage 3) | 欢乐台 Joyful Stage | | S4 | 舞台四 (Stage 4) | 客家台 Hakka Stage | | S5 | 舞台五 (Stage 5) | 粤曲台 Cantonese Opera Stage | | S6 | 舞台六 (Stage 6) | 关公剧场 Guan Gong Theatre | | S7 | 舞台七 (Stage 7) | 海南台 Hainan Stage | | S8 | 舞台八 (Stage 8) | 亲善台 Harmony Stage | | S9 | 舞台九 (Stage 9) | 潮州台 Teochew Stage | | S10 | 舞台十 (Stage 10) | 武术台 Wushu Stage | | S11 | 舞台十一 (Stage 11) | 娘惹文化 Straits Chinese Culture | | S12 | 舞台十二 (Stage 12) | 赏乐台 Melody Stage | | S13 | 舞台十三 (Stage 13) | 舞动广场 Dancing Promenade | | S14 | 舞台十四 (Stage 14) | 2023 槟城庙会 - 天地台 Stage of Tianti | | S15 | 舞台十五 (Stage 15) | 福建台 Hokkien Stage |

庙会策展 · Programs


精选视频 · Highlights

关于传承者 · About Inheritors

**愿景 Our Vision**
Inherit excellent culture and create a united and people-oriented world with people from different races. **使命 Our Mission**
Inherit cultures that comply with modern civilization values! --- 《传承者》是2018年由一批热爱文化传承的人士所创办的民间自愿组织。 2019年起受到槟州政府及槟州各姓氏宗祠联委会的委托,负责槟城庙会及名英祠开放日的总策划及总协调的工作。 除此之外,《传承者》也充分利用科技的方便,将各种文化资料和资源进行整合、收集及保存,让各种族的文化得以延续下去。 对默默传承文化的老师傅和工作者,传承者将尽力给予他们应得的肯定,更致力使各族之间的优良文化得以传承,促进团结情谊,社会和谐。 我们鼓励年轻一代关注与传承符合现代价值观的文化瑰宝。因为我们相信优秀的文化普及与复兴将提升个人的素养,促进人际关系和谐,社会长治久安,国家平稳发展,文化大同世界,人人互助友爱也就得以实现。 Penang Cultural Inheritors Society (Inheritors) is a non-government voluntary organization founded in 2018 by a group of people who love culture. Since 2019, the Inheritors has been commissioned by the Penang State Government and the Penang Chinese Clan Council to be in-charge for the planning and organizing the Penang Chinese New Year Celebration and Meng Eng Soo Open Day. In addition, the Inheritors also makes full use of technology for cultural data & resources collection so that the culture could be continued. We wish to also acknowledge and offer gratitude to those who work behind the scenes as masters and personnel who strive and ensure that the excellent culture of all ethnic groups can be passed on in order to promote solidarity and social harmony. We encourage the younger generation to be more concerned and will be able to inherit these excellent cultures which conforms to the modern world values. This is because we believe that the popularization and rejuvenation of excellent culture will lead to harmonious interpersonal relationships, long-term social stability, and sustainability.